How to improve your communication with patients and other co-workers.
Immediate patient attention requires multiple interactions
and coordination among doctors, nurses, technicians, as well as administrative staff and cleaning services. Effective, clear and discrete communication with patients play a critical role in the overall healthcare experience

Lenbrook two way radios are a practical and affordable solution for your healthcare facility. With its sleek and lightweight design it allows your staff to easily wear the radio on their belt, uniform or in pockets. Our radios are easy to use providing public(group talk)along with private communication. With a connectivity range of 300,000 sq/ft and 20 floors, all staff can communciate efficiently.Our Lenbrook radios are built with antimicrobial materials that stops the growth of bacteria and mold on radio surfaces making it great for healthcare applications.

Nurses and doctors- Efficiently manage and coordinate quality medical care among staff for timely patient response
Cleaning staff- Provide instant notification that rooms are vacant so they can quickly be sanitized and available for the next patient
Registration- Privately communicate patient’s sensitive information for faster patient care and tracking of services
Diagnostic technian- Directly reach a specialized technician and exchange confidential information prior to patient testing.
Patient transporter- Quickly locate a technician to assist with a patient and keep in touch during the patient movement
“Patient experience and
satisfaction was included
among the top 3 priorities
by 54% of healthcare
leaders respondents,
putting it at the top of
the list for the second
consecutive year”
Long term care facilities and retirment home
As members of both Ontario Long Term Healtcare Care Assoications(OLTCA) and Ontario Retirment Care Assoisiation(ORCA). We take pride with working with organizations;finding a solution that meets there means.For your free cosulation please visit